Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alternative Instrument Identifier (AII) transaction fields and formats

The AII will be composed of six elements, and they collectively constitute the Alternative Instrument Identifier for an instrument: 

Exchange Code(MIC Code) – Four character MIC code of the regulated market that admits the derivative to trading.

Exchange Product Code(EPC) – this is a code maintained by the derivative exchanges and is freely and generally available to all parties. It is between one and 12 characters in length and is uniquely associated with a particular underlying instrument and settlement type and other characteristics of the contract.

Derivative Type – This is a single character field identifying whether the instrument is an option or a future. This element of the code is described in field 12 of Annex 1.

Put/Call Identifier – This is a single character field identifying whether the option (if it is an option) is a put or a call. This element of the code is described in field 13 of Annex 1.

Expiry/Delivery/Prompt Date – Exercise date/maturity date of a derivative contract. This element of the code is described in field 11 of Annex 1.

Strike Price – The strike price of an option or other financial instrument. There is no strike price for futures. This element of the code is described in field 14 of Annex 1.

The reference format for the Alternative Instrument Identifier is the following: